Code / Building Enforcement

Building Inspector: Daniel Whitehead

Office (716) 652-0589 Ext 6  Cell(716) 361-3722

Clerk: Ellen Bapst



TUESDAY                   9:00-3:00pm
WEDNESDAY          9:00am-12:00 Noon
THURSDAY              9:00-3:00pm
FRIDAY                      CLOSED        

House numbers need to be visible per New York State Code, Property Maintenance Section 304.3 Premises Identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the road in fronting the property. Permit is required for Temporary Storage Pods.  Building permits are required for new construction, demolition, roofs, signs, gates, sheds, fireplaces, etc. Please call Building Inspector before you begin!  In the event, work requiring a building permit is commenced without obtaining a permit, the fee MAY BE TRIPLED.  Anyone desiring to divide an existing lot or acreage, should contact the office before MARKETING THE LOT to ensure zoning requirements are being met.  MINIMUM BUILDING LOT SIZE IS 250’ FRONTAGE WITH 3 ACRES. Establishing a new business or altering an existing business requires a Special Use Permit.  Doing so without such permit, is a violation under Section 200-57.